Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Ways to keep your New Years Resolutions Alive

If you are anything like me, you are super proactive about making a New Years Resolutions list. I even make a game of it at New Years Eve parties (Guess Whose Resolution). I tend to be creative, thoughtful, and reflective when making my resolutions. So, now that I have tooted my own horn, I have the reality of it all for you- I last one month! One month IF THAT! By the end of January I have stopped doing the things on my list and pretty much forgotten them as well. By the end of January I have stopped:

1. Working Out

2. Remaining calm in all situations

3. Becoming a better person

And so on and so forth. 

By the end of January I have long forgotten the list I put so much time and thought into. 

So, how do we keep our New Years Resolutions alive? 

This is a good question! This year, when putting my list together, I have made resolutions and goals like always, but I have also put some thought into how to keep these going through the whole year. How to keep it going even when the hype dies off and the excitement is no longer. 

Here are a few ways I have come up with to help keep your resolutions going through the whole year:

1. Make resolutions and goals that are actually achievable. 
When making resolutions, make sure they are things that you can actually accomplish once you put your mind to it. It is a little unlikely that you will solve world hunger....just being honest. But you can do things like clean your house more often, spend more time with the kids, lose a certain amount of weight, etc. Keep it realistic and you have a better chance of doing it and making it into a habit or accomplishing it! 

2. Write it down. 
Write down your goals. Make a paper list, and if you are really ambitious- laminate it. I laminate bible verses and put them in the shower so I can read and memorize them while I take a shower, and it totally works for me! So for me, to laminate my list and put it in my shower is probably the best way to get it ingrained in my head. 

3. Check List
Make your resolutions list a check list. Once you have accomplished one thing, check it off and move on to the next resolution. Check lists really help people feel like they are make head-way and getting things done which helps you stick to it and not give up quickly. 

4. Accountability Partner
The biggest resolution of all time is losing weight. So many people have that one their New Years resolution list every single year. For things like losing weight, trying to change different things about yourself, trying to stop habits, etc., why not ask your friend, spouse, family member, or someone you know to hold you accountable and vise versa? Having someone remind you of your goals and resolutions will better help you stick to them.

5. Don't be too hard on yourself. 
Sometimes we are going to stumble and go back to our old habits. That's just life. But don't just quit all together. Tomorrow is a new day. Start over and try again. Even if it's January and you are still trying to do something on your resolution list, it's okay! It's better to do it sometime than never at all. Just keep trying! 

Have a wonderful New Years and have fun making your resolutions list!

New Years Eve & New Years Day events

New Years Eve (Tuesday)

Little Rockstars Preschool Music Class
From 10-10:45 AM you can still take your preschooler over to the Little Rockstars Music Class. It is $7 per child/adult pair and $5 per additional child. This is taking place at the Virginia Beach Farmer's Market in Virginia Beach (3640 Dam Neck Road in Virginia Beach).

Click here for more information. 

Cinema Cafe ($1.50 movies all day)
Head over to the Cinema Cafe in Greenbrier for $1.50 movies all day. Click here for a list of movies. 

Last Night on the Town
Celebrate the bringing in of the New Year Town Center of Virginia Beach & Pembroke Mall. This is a FREE New Years Eve bash! Families can enjoy entertainment from 2-5:30 PM and then concerts for adults kick off at 5:30 PM with Carbon Jam and Cheap Thrills. The midnight countdown will be by Mayor Will Sessoms and there will be an awesome laser light show! Click this link for more info. 

New Year's Eve Bash: Countdown to Noon (Portsmouth)
From 11 AM until 2 PM there will be a countdown to noon with a ball drop and children's activities at the Portsmouth Art & Cultural Center. Regular Admission Applies. This is located at 400 High Street in Portsmouth.

Countdown to 2014 at the Virginia Aquarium
From 11 AM - 1PM children and adults can head over to the aquarium for some fun games and activities! This will be at the Marsh Pavilion. Regular Admission applies. The aquarium is located at 717 General Booth Blvd. in Virginia Beach.

Christmas Wonderland Collection (All Week)
Head over to the Portsmouth Art & Cultural Center on the corner of High and Court Streets in Portsmouth for a fun "Christmas Wonderland" collection from the Coleman Nursery. This is from 10 AM - 5 PM. Regular admission applies.

MacArthur On Ice (All Week)
The MacArthur Center has set up a 7,200 square foot outdoor ice rink this winter. Head over for some ice skating to get into the Christmas spirit! Admission is $6 ($5 with a military ID) and skate rentals are $6. Season passes and birthday party packages are also available. This is located at the corner of Monticello Ave. and Freemason Street.

Click here for more information.

Winter Carnival at MacArthur Center (All Week)
The MacArthur Center is also having an outdoor Winter Carnival. There are family-friendly rides, games, and lots more. The cost is $1.25 per ticket or $25 for $25 tickets.

Click here for more info. 

Acquibob Horse and Carriage Rides (New Years Eve & New Years Day)
Head over to 3201 Tyre Neck Road in Chesapeake for a horse and carriage ride. To ride the wagon around the farm the price is:
$15 per adult
$10 per child
Under 2 years old are free

To ride the wagon off the farm and look at Christmas lights the price is:
$25 per adult
$12 per child
Under 2 years old are free

Have fun and Happy New Year!

Monday, December 30, 2013

Maggie's Artwork Corner

Since we didn't travel anywhere for the Christmas Holiday this year, I have had lots of time to get some projects done around the house.....which makes me one happy momma! The first project I worked on is Maggie's new "Artwork Corner" in her bedroom. We have a little house so I have to utilize every inch of space. 

So here is what I did:

I am not sure if you can tell but those blocks spell out "Maggie's Artwork." It was really easy and really cheap- actually it was totally free for me, but you may have to spend a couple dollars if you don't have all of the supplies. The supplies you will need are 2 pieces of wood cut to the measurements you want, children's letter blocks, super glue or gorilla glue, paint, a paint brush, newspaper to lay down while you paint, clothespins, and Command strips or hooks to put on the back of the wood. 

So here is what you do:

Step 1: I had two pieces of wood laying around that were the perfect length for what I was trying to do. I put some newspaper down and painted them yellow to match the color scheme in Maggie's room. 

Step 2: Add these hooks to the back of the wood so you can hang it on the wall. I didn't have enough for both pieces of wood. So on one piece of wood I actually used the Command Strips and they stick to the wall perfectly! 

Step 3: Gather up blocks that your child isn't using and get the letters you need to make words. In this case I made the words "Maggie's Artwork." I thought about doing "I love Art" but changed my mind. 

Step 4: Clean off an area on your table for you to work. 

Step 5: Use super glue or gorilla glue to glue on the blocks. You will have to do some math so that you measure out exactly where to put the blocks so that it is centered correctly on your wood. (This is me focusing!)

Step 6: Paint the clothespins the color you would like them to be. You can also use scrapbook paper to cover them which is what I did. 

Step 7: Super glue the clothespins to the wood. You can use as many as you would like, but remember you need to put enough space in between each one so there is room for the papers you are clipping to them. 

Step 8: Hang them up! 

Eventually I will get daring enough to put a bucket of crayons and markers on the table with coloring books and paper, but Maggie isn't ready for that yet. I hope you have as much fun as I did doing this project!! 

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas in Chesapeake!

We almost always travel for Christmas, but this year we stayed put. William's dad came to visit and we had Christmas at home in Chesapeake. It was a lovely day! As always, I will give you a peek into our day through pictures:)

We also Skyped with my parents and brother so they could watch Maggie open her gifts! 

Maggie got a pop up barber shop! She is obsessed. She wanted to open all her gifts inside of the tent. 

This is Maggie in her tent! 

Opening up another gift! 

She got a "Boo-Boo" bunny because she ate the inside of the last one she had! First time (and hopefully last time) I had to call poison control! 

Will and I got a "Fit Bit" to keep track of our fitness! We are so excited!

Maggie opening her gifts inside her tent! 

Oh, this is my favorite part! (Sarcasm). Maggie thought EVERY gift was for her. This was her reaction when William got a brand new razor and wouldn't let her have it. 

And this is her very angry expression when we told her this was NOT her present. 

And this is mommy telling Maggie, "You have to share!" 

And this is Maggie having a complete meltdown. Merry Christmas Mommy & Daddy!

Okay, now she is better because she has a new present! 

Maggie opening her gift from Aunt Sharon in her tent. 

 Oh my word! She got a Cinderella Princess dress! Yeah, this was pretty much the best gift ever! She cried when we made her take it off for nap time. She's a "princess" girl! 

But wait! There's more! She also got Cinderella Accessories for her dress!!!

Maggie and her crown.  

Maggie and her shawl. 

Maggie and her earrings. 

Maggie and her rings. 

Maggie and her the whole ensemble. 

Oh wait, there's a necklace too!

And the princess plays with some of her awesome presents.

We had such a wonderful Christmas! All of us got such wonderful gifts! It was so much fun spending time with our friends in the afternoon eating and laughing together. Having Will's dad here has been so nice too. We hope you all had a wonderful Christmas as well.

Merry Christmas! 

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Praying "Anything" for Our Children

I recently did a bible study with some dear friends based on the book "Anything" by Jennie Allen. It was really good. If you ever have the chance to read it OR do a bible study, I highly suggest "Good Morning Girls!" They are really great. Click here for the link.

The book "Anything" goes into depth about how to totally give your life to God and literally pray, "God, I will do anything! Anything you want." It's a tough prayer to pray, but through this study I have learned so much about how this life is short and dedicating it to what the Lord wants us to do is a small sacrifice in the grand scheme of eternity. This study has really helped my prayer life and I am so thankful for all I have learned. 

Through all of this praying "anything" I have also been growing in the way I pray for Maggie. I really, really make an effort to pray every night for her and I encourage you to do the same with your children. I pray for her salvation, for her behavior, for her husband, for God's plan for her, etc. 

The other night, my eyes were opened a little as I prayed for God's perfect plan for Maggie. I realized that God's plan for her may be different than the one I would plan for her. When I prayed "anything" for myself, the answers I received were totally different than what I would have planned for myself, but I wouldn't have it any other way. This helped me realize that if God's plan for me was different than I would have expected, it may be the same way with Maggie. 

Praying "anything" is hard....but it's even harder when you pray it for your children. 

It may be hard for me as her parent to let go and let her move to Africa to teach children or it may be hard for me when she feels God calling her into a different profession than I would have planned. What if God wants her to do something radical? 

I started realizing that if I am going to pray "anything" for Maggie, I have to remember that it means "anything." 

What it really comes down to for me is that I need to fully trust God with my child....which I do, but you know, I'm like, her mom! I know what's best for her. I know everything about her. I know her personality. Mother knows best, right? 


When Maggie was 3 months old we had her dedicated at our church. And I am going to be honest, I sort of went through the motions.The way I was raised was to have your child dedicated...so that's what we did. But God reminded me the other night that when I had her dedicated, that meant that I am allowing God to do what he wants with my sweet baby. God knows best, not me. He knows the perfect plan for Maggie, the perfect husband, the perfect job. And I have to let go and let him take the reigns. 

It reminds me of the story of Hannah who wanted so much to have a child. In 1 Samuel 1:11 Hannah made a vow saying, "Lord Almighty, if you will only look on your servant's misery and remember me, and not forget your servant but give her a son, then I will give him to the Lord for all the days of his life." 

And guess what. She did. 

She had a son, and she 100% kept her word and dedicated her son, Samuel, to the Lord. To the point where she took him to be raised in the church by Eli. And God had a plan for Samuel. 

Because Hannah kept her word and dedicated her son, God used him. 

How hard must it have been for Hannah to pray so long for a son and then take him to be raised in the church? That would have been hard. But it wasn't her plan, it was God's. And that decision she made to dedicate her son, to pray "anything" for Samuel, changed the course of history.

That's pretty cool. 

As I continue to pray for Maggie throughout the years I will continue to pray "anything." Anything God has for her is the only way I would want it to be for her. Even if it's something different than I would have planned. 

Remember, as much as we love our children, God loves them even more than that. He wants what is best for them. He has the PERFECT plan for them. 

Monday, December 23, 2013

Christmas Events from 12/23 - 12/24

Monday (12/23)
Christmas Wonderland Collection (All Week)
Head over to the Portsmouth Art & Cultural Center on the corner of High and Court Streets in Portsmouth for a fun "Christmas Wonderland" collection from the Coleman Nursery. This is from 10 AM - 5 PM. Regular admission applies.

MacArthur On Ice (All Week)
The MacArthur Center has set up a 7,200 square foot outdoor ice rink this winter. Head over for some ice skating to get into the Christmas spirit! Admission is $6 ($5 with a military ID) and skate rentals are $6. Season passes and birthday party packages are also available. This is located at the corner of Monticello Ave. and Freemason Street.

Click here for more information.

Winter Carnival at MacArthur Center (All Week)
The MacArthur Center is also having an outdoor Winter Carnival. There are family-friendly rides, games, and lots more. The cost is $1.25 per ticket or $25 for $25 tickets.

Click here for more info. 

Port Norfolk Holiday Light Show
From 5-10 PM Port Norfolk is having a festive sight of lights. E-mail holidaylights@portnorfolk.org for more information.

13th Annual Pagoda and Garden Light Fest
This is a FREE event! Come check out 40,000 lights! This is from 5PM - midnight.

Holt Family Lights (All Week)
Another fun Christmas Lights Display in Chesapeake at the home of Allen and Cattina Holt. They have more than 35,000 lights, 40 inflatables and much more! This is located at 501 Youngstown Ct. in Chesapeake.

Click here for more information.

McDonald's Holiday Lights at the Beach (All Weekend)
On the Virginia Beach boardwalk between 2nd and 34th Streets there will be Holiday lights set up in the form of festive fish, jumping dolphins, frolicking porpoises- all in bright, colored lights. This is opened nightly:

5:30 - 10 PM Sunday - Thursday
5:30 - 11 PM Friday - Saturday

Admission Prices are:
(Cash Only)

Cars, Monday - Thursday, $12 per car
Cars, Friday - Sunday and holidays, $15 per car

Enter at 2nd Street on the Virginia Beach boardwalk.

Pizza Party with Santa
Head over to Dough Boy's California Pizza to meet Santa! This is from 6:30-8:30 PM at 33rd Street and Atlantic in Virginia Beach. 

Tuesday (Christmas Eve)
Little Rockstars Preschool Music Class
From 10-10:45 AM you can still take your preschooler over to the Little Rockstars Music Class. It is $7 per child/adult pair and $5 per additional child. This is taking place at the Virginia Beach Farmer's Market in Virginia Beach (3640 Dam Neck Road in Virginia Beach).

Click here for more information. 

Cinema Cafe ($1.50 movies all day)
Head over to the Cinema Cafe in Greenbrier for $1.50 movies all day. Click here for a list of movies. 

Polar Express at the Cinema Cafe (Virginia Beach, Hampton, and Chesapeake)
$1 admission to see the Polar Express in all of the Cinema Cafes. This begins at 10:30 AM.

Hunt Club Farms Winter Wonderland
Eat brunch with Santa from 11 AM - 1 PM. Click here to buy tickets. This is located at 2388 London Bridge Road in Virginia Beach.

Have fun and Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

They are watching you.

My daughter is almost 18 months old and sometimes I just don't give her enough credit. She is a lot smarter than I realize. Here are a couple examples:

 Okay, so you are looking at this picture and thinking, "Wait....I thought you said she is smarter than you sometimes realize." Ha. I know. But, before I handed her this paper towel roll, or as we call it in our house, this "Tu-tu-tu," I showed her how to sing into it so that her voice was amplified. I sang, "Tu-tu-tu!" like a king was entering our house, and I handed it to her, and she repeated what I did. 


 I mean, seriously. Do you need an explanation for this picture? This is just AWESOME! She has already learned chores! 


I know it may not look it, but this kid had never used a spoon all by herself before this picture was taken and I handed it to her and she did it all by herself.


My point is, that our kids are smarter than they sometimes let on...even at this young age. But with this "smart" quality, come some challenges. At least, if you have a strong-willed child like mine.

Maggie is smart enough to know that she is not supposed to touch my candle on the coffee table. When she is in "a mood" (the polite way of saying, she is being a little stinker), she will go over to the candle, look over at me to make sure I am looking, and then touch it. Oh, by the way, it's not lit or anything, so she isn't getting burned. However, she knows that she isn't supposed to touch it and she makes the decision to do it anyways. 

Smart. And a little defiant. 

Maggie knows that she is not supposed to drop food over the side of her high chair to the dog (who is circling under her like a shark). But every once in awhile, usually when I am feeding her beans or carrots, she will grab a handful and reach her hand over the side of the high chair. Then (get this) she waits for me to say, "No Maggie!" and then she makes the decision to drop it. 

Smart. And a little disobedient. 

I am excited that she is smart and that she is growing and learning and testing to see the cause and effects in situations. This is the only way she will grow into the person she is meant to become. But I as her parent have to remember that as she grows and learns, she learns from me as well. She watches my reactions. If I react to any situation frustrated or angry in front of her, she picks up on that. The other day she could not figure out why the triangle puzzle piece would not go in the circle puzzle spot, and so she became frustrated and threw the puzzle piece across the room and then threw herself on the floor. What in the world?! Over a puzzle piece? Seriously, I wish I had her problems. Now, my husband and I don't throw things when we get frustrated, but she senses and knows when we are frustrated and she picks up on that. So I have to learn to react calmer in frustrating situations because she is watching me and learning from me. 

Proverbs 22:6 says, "Train a child up in the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it." 

Our kids pick up on the bad, BUT they also pick up on the good things we teach them. Maggie will learn the importance of Jesus because every night we pray with her and pray for her. Maggie will learn to love others by the way that William and I love others. Maggie will learn to be kind by watching William and I be kind to those around us. 

We are always being watched by our little ones. Take advantage of this by showing them the correct ways to act, and even if they have an "off" day or don't always obey you or make good decisions, remember, they still are learning and growing. Give it time and have patience with them. They are a work in progress, as are we! 

Have a fabulous week!

Friday, December 6, 2013

Weekend Events- 12/6 - 12/8

There are so many fun Holiday events going on this weekend. Check them out:

Model Train Exhibit (Now through December 21st)
For all you train lovers, head over to 145 Granby Street in Norfolk Wednesday through Friday from 11 AM-2PM and Saturdays from 10AM-5PM. This is free!

Music Mommy and Me Play Date/Meet Up
The Virginia Beach School of Arts is having a fun play date for kids ages 3 months to 36 months at 10:00 AM. There will be music, singing, dancing, and instruments! This is located at 3083 Brickhouse Ct. Virginia Beach. Click here to reserve your spot! 

Little Rockstars Preschool Music Class
This class for preschoolers happens every week on Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 10 AM and on Fridays at noon. It is $7 per adult & child and $5 per additional child. There are a lot of great reviews about this class- great energy for preschoolers- check it out!! It is at the Farmers Market in Virginia Beach.

Storytime at Barnes & Noble
Both locations (Chesapeake and Virginia Beach) are hosting storytime.

Chesapeake at 9:00 AM: 1212Greenbrier Parkway
Virginia Beach at 10:00 AM: 4485 Virginia Beach Blvd.
Virginia Beach at 7PM: 4485 Virginia Beach Blvd.

Get Fit Friday at the Children's Museum of Virginia
Head to the second floor of the Children's Museum in Portsmouth (221 High Street in Portsmouth) for a physically fit activity at 10:30 AM and 3:00 PM.

Illuminated Night Climbs at the Cape
Head over to the Cape Henry Lighthouse from 5-9 PM for an illuminated night climb. This is located at 583 Atlantic Ave. in Virginia Beach. Click here for more details. 

Million Bulb Walk (November 22 - 27)
Come walk through the beautiful botanical gardens and see a million lights from 5:30 - 8:30 PM! Admission is:
$10 per person (Ages 2 and under are free)
$8 for members
Military Appreciation: $5 per person

Norfolk Botanical Gardens is located at 6700 Azalea Garden Road in Norfolk.

McDonald's Holiday Lights at the Beach (All Weekend)
On the Virginia Beach boardwalk between 2nd and 34th Streets there will be Holiday lights set up in the form of festive fish, jumping dolphins, frolicking porpoises- all in bright, colored lights. This is opened nightly:

5:30 - 10 PM Sunday - Thursday
5:30 - 11 PM Friday - Saturday

Admission Prices are:
(Cash Only)

Cars, Monday - Thursday, $12 per car
Cars, Friday - Sunday and holidays, $15 per car

Enter at 2nd Street on the Virginia Beach boardwalk.

MacArthur on Ice (All weekend)
Right outside the MacArthur Center (on the corner of Freemason Street and Monticello Ave.) is an ice skating rink that is 7,200 square feet. Enjoy public skating sessions, private lessons, ice hockey clinics, figure skating exhibitions and more!

Regular admission is $6 for skating, $6 for skate rental.
Military personnel and their family members receive $1 off the admission price.

Click here for more information. 

Breakfast with Santa & Sparky
From 8-11 AM, Santa will be making an appearance at Fire Station No. 5 (451 Hanbury Rd. in Chesapeake). The breakfast buffet is $5 per person and a 4x6 picture with Santa and Sparky is $5. There will also be gift baskets and 50/50 cash raffles.

Battle of Great Bridge (Saturday & Sunday)
From 10AM - 4PM, head over to 120 Reservation Rd. in Chesapeake for a re-enactment of two pivotal Revolutionary War battles: the Battle at Kemps Landing and the Battle of Great Bridge. This event is FREE! There will be fun activities and crafts for the kids as well.

Cookies & Crafts with Santa
From 11 AM - 1PM head over to Pembroke Mall for FREE crafts and cookies with Santa. This will be in the Target Wing. Pembroke Mall is located at 4554 Virginia Beach Blvd. in Virginia Beach.

Candy Cane Hunt
Bring your stocking for a candy cane hunt, stories, songs, and a craft! This is for all ages at the Jordan-Newby Branch Library at 961 Park Ave. in Norfolk at 12 PM.

Holiday Craft Extravaganza
The whole family will enjoy making a unique craft as a gift or for hanging on the tree at the Mary D. Pretlow Anchor Branch Library at 111 W. Ocean View Ave. in Norfolk. This will be for all ages on the 2nd floor from 12 PM-3PM.

Chesapeake Rotary Christmas Parade
From 6-8PM the annual Christmas Parade by the City of Chesapeake and the Chesapeake Rotary Club will be going on. Click this link to get a map of where the parade will be. 

TowneBank Holiday Parade at the Beach
Head over to Virginia Beach for a fun holiday parade. This will be from 5:30 PM - 9PM on 15th Street and Atlantic.

Cookies and Pictures with Santa at Francis Asbury United Methodist Church
Head over to Great Neck Road for pictures with Santa. This will take place at Francis Asbury United Methodist Church (1871 North Great Neck Road in Virginia Beach) from 12-2PM. There will also be a reading of the Christmas story, crafts, cookies, and a picture with Santa. Tickets are $15 in advance ($5 for siblings with a max charge of $25) and $20 at the door. To order tickets, e-mail carrie@francisasburyumc.org.

Bethlehem Walk
King's Grant Presbyterian Church is having their "Bethlehem Walk" from 4-6:30 PM. Hear about the story at the well, worship with the Rabbi in the synagogue, see Roman soldiers, shepherds and their flocks, and the nativity scene. This is free and family friendly! This is located at 745 Little Neck Road in Virginia Beach.

Have a fun weekend!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Amazing Butterflies at the Virginia Aquarium!

We finally made it over to the aquarium with some wonderful friends and had such a great time visiting all of the sea creatures! If you have not yet checked out the Virginia Aquarium in Virginia Beach, you have to get over there and check it out!

One of the things we got to see was their "Amazing Butterflies" display. Here is a walk through this fun maze that teaches kids the steps of a caterpillar/butterfly's life...

 The maze begins. 

 Trying to move like a caterpillar isn't as easy as it looks!

 Maggie wants to try too:)

 Fun games!

 Climbing the leaves!

 In the cocoon. 

 Yucky spiders! 

 Flying like a butterfly!

After we left the butterfly maze we headed out to see some more fun animals like these sea turtles: 

Time to go, saying goodbye to her good friend! 

We had such a fun time at the aquarium! I highly suggest checking it out.

Admission prices are: 
Adults: $22
Children (3-11): $15
Seniors (62 and up): $20
Members (Adults): FREE
Members (Adults): FREE

Click here to purchase tickets. 

The aquarium is open daily from 9AM - 5PM.