Friday, October 18, 2013

Weekend Events 10/18 -10/20

Weekend Events for 10/18 - 10/20

Amazing Butterflies 
The Virginia Aquarium and Marine Science Center a fun butterfly maze for kids to go through. In this maze, they will learn the stages a caterpillar goes through in order to turn into a butterfly. This is a hands-on life size maze that is open from 9AM - 5PM. Regular admission prices apply.

2013 Child Abuse Conference
From 9 AM - 2:30 PM join the Hampton Child Protection Team for the 2013 Child Abuse Conference. Guest speaker Julia M. DaSilva will be there. There is a $10 registration fee- breakfast and lunch are included. This will take place at 1 Franklin Street- 1st floor in Hampton. 

Music Mommy and Me Play Date/Meet Up
The Virginia Beach School of Arts is having a fun play date for kids ages 3 months to 36 months at 10:00 AM. There will be music, singing, dancing, and instruments! This is located at 3083 Brickhouse Ct. Virginia Beach. Click here to reserve your spot! 

Free Glass Demonstrations at the Chrysler Museum in Norfolk
Watch live glass demonstrations in the glass studio at the Chrysler Museum at 12:00 PM. This happens ever Wednesday - Sunday. The Chrysler Museum is located at 245 W. Olney Rd. in Norfolk.

Little Rockstars Preschool Music Class
This class for preschoolers happens every week on Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 10 AM and on Fridays at noon. It is $7 per adult & child and $5 per additional child. There are a lot of great reviews about this class- great energy for preschoolers- check it out!! It is at the Farmers Market in Virginia Beach.

Halloween Dress Rehearsal at the Disney Store
The Disney Store at the Lynnhaven Mall is having a costume party! Come dressed as your favorite Disney character and enjoy crafts, treats and a Costume Parade. This is going on Friday and Saturday!

Friday: 5 - 6:30 PM
Saturday: 11 AM - 12:30 PM

4th Annual Azalea Little League Halloween
On both Friday and Saturday, there will be a fun Halloween Party hosted by the Azalea Little League. There will be Trunk-or-Treating, prizes, hayrides, costume contest, karaoke, and a haunted house! This will take place at 1130 Pineridge Rd. in Norfolk.

Friday: 7-10 PM (Haunted House only)
Saturday: 6-10 PM

The only admission is to give some type of monetary donation to Azalea Little League.

Amazing Butterflies 
The Virginia Aquarium and Marine Science Center a fun butterfly maze for kids to go through. In this maze, they will learn the stages a caterpillar goes through in order to turn into a butterfly. This is a hands-on life size maze that is open from 9AM - 5PM. Regular admission prices apply.

Down Syndrome 5K & 12th Annual Awareness Walk
Head over to Mt. Trashmore for a fun, family festival with lots of events! All proceeds go to 1,000 individuals with Down Syndrome who live, work and contribute to Hampton Roads. Come out and support this awesome cause! This will begin at 7 AM and go on until 2 PM. 

Smorgasbord Saturdays
Kids ages 6-10 are invited to the Children's Museum of Virginia for Smorgasbord Saturdays. Kids will explore science, art, and history and do experiments and fun activities. This class is free to members, but for non members there is a $2 fee (not including the museum admission). 

To register your child, call 757-393-5258.

Hampton Roads Mini Maker Faire 2013- World's Greatest Show and Tell
From 10 AM - 5 PM, head over to the Norfolk Scope for a FREE family festival. There will be inventions and people of all ages presenting crafts, science projects, and technology. The Norfolk Scope is located at 201 E. Brambleton Ave. in Norfolk. 

SK8R Bash
Drop in on the action during an amateur skateboard competition at the Williams Farm Skate Park at 5252 Learning Circle in Virginia Beach at 10 AM. 

Story Time at the Virginia Living Museum
On the third Saturday of every month, the Virginia Living Museum has story time with a live animal! This is for ages 2 and up. Included in museum admission. 

Sing, Play, Move! (Ages 3-5)
Get the kids moving, singing, and dancing at the Princess Anne Library (1444 Nimmo Parkway in Virginia Beach at 10:30 AM. 

Pawsitive Reading with Therapy Dogs
Kids grades K-5 can head over to Oceanfront Area Library (700 Virginia Beach Blvd. in Virginia Beach) for reading with therapy dogs at 10:30 AM. 

Fall Friendship Festival
There is a FREE Fall Friendship Festival going on at Southside Baptist Church (1200 Bainbridge Blvd. in Chesapeake) from 11 AM - 2PM. There will be prizes, food, inflatables, face painting, and more! 

Click here for more info. 

Kidgits "Mall-O-Ween" Event 
Head over to the Chesapeake Square Mall (4200 Portsmouth Blvd. in Chesapeake) from 11 AM - 1 PM. Wear your costumes! There will be crafts, games, cupcake decorating, pumpkin decorating and more! 

First Landing Fall Festival
Head over to the First Landing State Park for hay rides, pumpkin decorating, kids crafts, roast s'mores and more! This will take place at 2500 Shore Drive in Virginia Beach from 2-6 PM. 

Halloween Hide and Seek 
The Bayside Area and Special Services Library is having story time, crafts, and a costumed hide and seek game for ages 5-10. This will take place at 936 Independence Blvd. in Virginia Beach from 2-3 PM. 

Hey Robot! Ages 12-18
Find out how robots work, how they are built, and more at the Kempsville Area Library (832 Kempsville Rd. in Virginia Beach) from 2-4 PM. This is for ages 12-18.

Pumpkin Carving
Bring your own pumpkin to Brain Balance Virginia Beach at 5286 Fairfield Shopping Center in Virginia Beach for a pumpkin carving party! Feel free to wear a costume and come out for the fun. This will take place from 7:30 - 9:30 PM. 

Children's Halloween Party at Hunt Club Farm
From 11 AM to 3 PM there will be music with a live DJ, petting farm, hayrides, inflatables, and a costume party at Hunt Club Farm. There will also be pumpkin decorating and a 3-5 pumpkin is included for each child. The cost is $15 per child and $8 per adult. Buy your tickets ahead of time by clicking here. 

Stockley Gardens Arts Festival 
From 12-5 PM head over to Stockley Gardens in Ghent Norfolk for a fun festival! There will be live music, crafts, Bobby the Clown, a magic show, balloon animals and more!

1st Annual CLEBA 5K Halloween Run and Kids Fun Run
Oak Grove Lake Park is having a Halloween run to benefit the Chesapeake Law Enforcement Benevolent Association. Each participant will receive a T-shirt and possible awards. There will also be face painting, candy, stickers, corn hole, ring toss, and more. This will take place from 2-4 PM at 409 Byron Street in Chesapeake. It is $25 for the run, and $10 for the kids fun.

Have a fun weekend!

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