It's adorable!! Seriously.
She says words like,
Woof, Woof
All None = All Done.
I-aunt-nana = I want a banana.
It made me start thinking that I need to write these things down because I definitely don't want to forget how cute she sounds! So I made a Quote Book to keep track of her new words.
So here is what I came up with:
Here is what I did:
1. I got a bunch of scrapbook paper that I liked together. I stuck with light colors that would be easy to write on.
2. I cut all of the paper to the same size. My book is 4.5 " x 6" but you can make it any size you would like.
3. I hole punched two holes at equal distance apart on each page so that way I could put ribbon through later to tie the book together.
4. I decorated! My favorite part! I added little quote bubbles, pictures, lines to write on, etc. Wherever my creative heart took me- I did it:)
Here are some example pages:
5. I put the whole book together and lined up the holes. Then I took ribbon and weaved it through the holes and tied a little bow.
6. I wrote! I wrote all of the cute things that Maggie says. Make sure to add dates too! You may want to remember when these things were said.
And Ta-Da:
Let me know what you think!
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