I have a confession. I struggle with being joyful and thankful and positive. I tend to always think negatively. I am openly admitting that this is something I am trying to get better about and it is a continuous battle for me.
But in my defense, it's not always easy being positive, especially when negative situations keep coming our way. And in this day and age, with the economy the way it is, and the difficulties with finances and jobs, it can be really depressing.
Colossians 3:15 says, "Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body, AND BE THANKFUL."
What does this mean? It means that when you have Christ in your heart, you can overcome negativity with his help. You can overcome the lies of the devil that it is "hopeless," that it "isn't going to get better," that there "isn't a light at the end of the tunnel." Because there is a light at the end of the tunnel...that's what we call hope!
It's not going to be easy, but you have to really make an effort (if you are like me) to be positive. You have to make an effort to "look on the bright side." God never gives us more than we can handle.
So when your dishwasher breaks and you have to do all the dishes by hand and you totally don't have time for that because you have kids that need to go to soccer and ballet and a husband that is working late and on, and on, and on, the list goes.....how do you look at the positive side? How can you be thankful for a broken dishwasher? That's a good question, and the only thing I can do is tell you what has worked for me...
I try to think about how great it is that we have food for me to clean up off the dishes because some people don't have food. I try to think about how I have a car to run the kids to and from because some people don't. I try to think about how wonderful it is that my husband has a job to work late at....because some people don't.
I emphasize the "I try" because I am human. I don't always win this battle of optimism. In fact, the majority of the time I lose the battle. But I am a work in progress. And I am trying to get better about it. And every day God's blessings are new, so every day I get to try again and for that I am very, very thankful!
Happy Thanksgiving Eve, friends! Have a wonderful and safe holiday!
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