Today is a special day because it is my Uncle Ron's 60th birthday. He went to be with Jesus five years ago, but there isn't a day that goes by that his family and friends don't miss him. However, we have such joy knowing that this isn't the end and that we will one day see him again.
So here is a little memory lane of my Uncle Ron and the things he loved...
Haha, yes. This was Uncle Ron and Aunt Rhoda's wedding day! Love the hair! Seriously, too funny. Uncle Ron once wrote me an email right after I moved to Virginia telling me that he and Aunt Rhoda met in Virginia, so when I started dating William he said, "See, Virginia really IS for Lovers." :) I have a magnet on my refrigerator now that says "Virginia is for Lovers" and it always reminds me of Uncle Ron and that email.
Going forward a few years...this was at my house in Florida. And if I remember correctly, this is the year that Bethany introduced me to N'Sync. Haha. But we had such a great time when they came to visit us that year!
The is Uncle Ron, Aunt Rhoda, and their two daughters (my cousins) Bethany and Brooke. I love this picture- it's so great of everyone and had to include it!

There was this one Christmas when I was like 8 and we were all in Ohio for the holidays. And it was FREEZING outside. Of course, that's what I remember, right? Anyways, we pretty much stayed at my grandma and grandpa's the whole time because it was so cold and I remember for like 2 days we did a giant puzzle like this one with Uncle Ron. I seriously don't remember much else about that Christmas...just the giant puzzle with a bunch of trees in the picture which made it really difficult to put together because every piece was green. haha. But I love that I have this memory. It's funny because I don't remember any of the gifts I got or any of the food...I just remember the time that Uncle Ron spent with us doing the puzzle. And that was one of the things I loved about him- he always took time to enjoy the little things in life. I need to learn from his example and slow down and just enjoy the little things in life.

I really don't know where this is, but I am sure my Uncle Ron was just taking in the sights....or bird watching. He loved to bird watch. You know, I never really got into bird watching because to me that is so boring...haha, but again, Uncle Ron took time to stop and enjoy nature. He took time to embrace the things God birds.
This was in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Every 4th of July my family goes to Fort Wayne for the weekend and we all eat, swim, play games, and just enjoy being with family. The very last 4th of July that Uncle Ron was at I couldn't make it...and it makes me sad that I didn't get to spend that one last time with him. But we will have one awesome 4th of July party in heaven so I have comfort knowing that!
Couldn't leave out this oldie, but goldie. There really are no words for this one..hahahaha. Love it!
This is another picture of the Blough family. I love Brooke's face. haha.
Happy 60th Uncle Ron! We love and miss you...can't wait to see you again one day!